Hunter Biden’s Email Leaks and Involvement in Ukraine Spark New Betting Lines

Hunter Biden Lies

Hunter Biden circulates the discussion around Joe Biden’s Administration. Many raise questions about Hunter Biden’s net worth, Hunter Biden’s wife, and the lowest hanging fruit – Hunter Biden’s struggles with drug addiction.

We look past these banalities and go deeper into the enigmatic character, his involvement in Ukraine, and the “smoking gun” emails leaked under suspicious circumstances.

What was Hunter Bien’s actual involvement in Ukraine?

But first, a quick nursery rhyme:

Joe and Jill walk on the Hill with Americans asunder.

Emails leak, Trump he freaks, and the tabloids left to wonder.

Back to business.

During the Obama administration, Vice President Joe Biden became the point-man for diplomatic relations with Ukraine. Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Since then, corruption-riddled the country until a 2014 revolution ousted pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. The subsequent democratically elected president Petro Poroshenko embraced pro-western ideals and opened the door for US bilateralism.

While Vice President Biden engaged in foreign policy, Hunter Biden took a position on the board of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest private gas company.

Hunter reportedly received $50,000 a month for his board membership.

Vice President Biden’s involvement in the Ukrainian government while Hunter worked for Burisma cruxes the conflict of interest that Republicans and other officials raise concerns over.

Moreover, Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, had ties to the ousted president Yanukovych.

Investigations followed, spearheaded by Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani, and were carried out by two Republican-led Senate Committees.

The committees and other reports drew the same conclusion: there was no wrongdoing on behalf of the Vice President.

The Obama administration itself supported investigations. Although US officials reported that Hunter Biden’s presence in Ukraine created “awkwardness,” no one could prove that Biden acted illegally or outside government ethics regulations.

That is until the New York Post dropped their bombshell: Leaked emails with one highlighting a possible meeting between the Vice President and Vadym Pozharskyi, a top Burisma advisor, in 2015.

If this secret meeting were real and swept under the rug, it creates the possibility that Joe Biden abused his authority to aid Hunter’s business withholdings.

Thus, Trump flocks to twitter, totus viribus.

But who is the whistleblower on this scandal? None other than our friendly neighborhood Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani’s involvement in Ukraine consisted of pressing Ukrainian officials to investigate the Bidens. Giuliani then wound up ousting Trump for allegedly withholding foreign aid to Ukraine in return for dirt in Hunter and Joe, a move that landed Trump in the impeachment seat.


Did I forget to mention that Giuliani has reported ties to Russian agents?

Double oopsies!

The email leaks harken back to a similar 2016 email scandal that the Trump administration used to attack the Democratic party. The FBI later confirmed that Russian hackers leaked those emails.

The Democrats dismiss the Hunter Biden emails as of the same ilk: a Russian disinformation campaign, alongside Giuliani and Steve Bannon, that actively interferes in the elections and keep Donald Trump in power.

Social media sites, purporting that posts on the emails violate their “no personal information” policy, took down Trump’s and other administration officials’ tweets on the subject.

This issue will be a hot topic in the town hall events the presidential candidates hold at 8 PM tonight. The odds interestingly reflect a different story.

Any voter asks Biden about Burisma or Ukraine?

Yes +300
No -500

Any voter asks Trump about Burisma or Ukraine?

Yes +120
No -160

Will any voter say Hunter at the trump town hall?

Yes +110
No -150

Will any voter say Hunter at the Biden town hall?

Yes +400
No -700

I can bet that this topic will be brought up at least once, and more likely at the Trump town hall. Consider taking the risky yes on some of these props that the books close on at 8 PM tonight.

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